This blog belonged to Koh Swee Gee.
No spamming, ripping and vulgarities is allowed in here.
Follow these rules and i'll love you much!
Don't be a silent reader, tag before you leave, it'll be greatly appreciated!
My rules are as simple as ABC.
Now, enjoy your stay! Remember! Tag before you leave! :D
The days we've been together, it's all in my memories.
Although we're apart from each other, you're still always in my heart.
Missing you was a terrible task for me, cause whenever i think about you, my heart will break.
But when reminising the memories, i'll feel happy.
Thanks for the memories you'd gave me, i'll keep it deep inside my heart, forever...
Cause i know you're the one for me.. I love you..
Sunday, March 30, 2008
PRECAUTION : april's fools day is like in 2 days time !! uh oh.
i totally don't know how to play DAI DI ! i would so much love to learn how to play.. well, i tried learning while playing at viwawa BUT i lost alot of MONEY ! urghhhhh
i was looking at the CDs and got excited when i saw Jolin's 特务J CD. but on closer look, i saw that i is 翻版 特务J named 爱情任务 i am so angry so i walked off. then i went to another CD shop and saw the same thing.. haiz haiz
yea.. and i saw Mrs Gan ( ex bio teacher ) then i asked her whether she's coming back to teach us bio as i think everyone don't quite like the current bio teacher. and she said that she's coming back on WED !!! but don't know whether still teaching my class. HOPE THAT SHE'LL COME BACK ! not that we don't like the current one but the ex one is better !! much much much better so ya..
don't know whether any of the deyi sjab competition teams won any trophies.
when is Jolin book coming out in Singapore?! the 星光二班‘s 我们是你的星光 why no stock ?!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
my mum used my Viwawa account to play mahjong cos she did not go for her mahjong session today. hahaha and she got addicted ! was like laughing very loudly with bro and mum cos my mum was using the mouse for the first time, and we were so scared and worried that she might lose her turn in the Wahjong game. LOL and when we see her having so much trouble with the mouse, we quickly took the mouse and clicked it ourselves. LOL
anyway, i saw a thumb-sized big beetle yesterday. grey in colour. so disgusting..
Thursday, March 20, 2008
i'm SUPER amazed at my results.
(click to enlarge)
i got C6 for Biology and Chinese ?! is like zzz and i regretted that i didnt do well in both.
oh well, L1R4 - 7 L1R5 - 11
hope that i can get this kind of grades during O level. :D
buck up buck up !!
yay good friday ! can sleep for the whole DAY ! whhoooo
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
if you see him,immelly call police.. hahahaha
if i see Jolin walking her dog, whoohoo, on the road, i will scream and yell ! and slap myself hard to see whether im dreaming. whoohoo is the cutest dog in the world and he's always laughing ! cute cute !
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
i think the new design for the imeem player is really ugly.. don't u guys think so too?
i want to donate blood in the future ! looks very fun :D imagine having ur blood running in someone's body.. yay..
i received an email from someone from a bank. he told me that i am the beneficiary heir from his clients funds. LAUGH OUT LOUD !
i was on the bus today, sitting down.. then 1 couple stood on my side. 1 plump guy was wearing 1 simpsons tshirt. its kinda disfigured because of his..erm belly? and his girlfriend was like keep hugging his waist which i found that it looks like a koala bear hugging a tree trunk..
okay okay.. i know i am being mean.. ooops :D
okay.. will be getting our report slips next week ! whoots.. hope that got improve alot alot !!
Sunday, March 09, 2008
i swear that i will not go to Cheers and buy anything again and i seriously hate RUDE people. i shan't elaborate about it.
i saw a dead rat on my way home. it has got white powder on the whole of it's mouth.. like someone fed it with the powder which kills rats. and i saw another one yesterday. it was decomposed at had flies feeding on it. yucks. rats are smelly..
the tests are finally over.. was like sleeping for 4 hours every day. simply cant take it. and we will be getting our report books after holidays.. yay yay
well,today's LS's birthday. 16 years old already ! weeeeee
tmr's sports day sat got AFA and KOTO. sun tuition. mon-wed camp and remedials and bio SPA
sian sian have to go for bio practical even during holidays. somemore its on camp day. wahwah.. Cupid's Chokehold by Gym Class Heroes Feat. Patrick Stump
Monday, March 03, 2008
UH..i think i already did that.. SO.... ME SHALL NOT BLOG FOR ANOTHER WEEK ! :D
i totally don't know how to play DAI DI ! i would so much love to learn how to play.. well, i tried learning while playing at viwawa BUT i lost alot of MONEY ! urghhhhh
i was looking at the CDs and got excited when i saw Jolin's 特务J CD. but on closer look, i saw that i is 翻版 特务J named 爱情任务 i am so angry so i walked off. then i went to another CD shop and saw the same thing.. haiz haiz
yea.. and i saw Mrs Gan ( ex bio teacher ) then i asked her whether she's coming back to teach us bio as i think everyone don't quite like the current bio teacher. and she said that she's coming back on WED !!! but don't know whether still teaching my class. HOPE THAT SHE'LL COME BACK ! not that we don't like the current one but the ex one is better !! much much much better so ya..
don't know whether any of the deyi sjab competition teams won any trophies.
when is Jolin book coming out in Singapore?! the 星光二班‘s 我们是你的星光 why no stock ?!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
my mum used my Viwawa account to play mahjong cos she did not go for her mahjong session today. hahaha and she got addicted ! was like laughing very loudly with bro and mum cos my mum was using the mouse for the first time, and we were so scared and worried that she might lose her turn in the Wahjong game. LOL and when we see her having so much trouble with the mouse, we quickly took the mouse and clicked it ourselves. LOL
anyway, i saw a thumb-sized big beetle yesterday. grey in colour. so disgusting..
Thursday, March 20, 2008
i'm SUPER amazed at my results.
(click to enlarge)
i got C6 for Biology and Chinese ?! is like zzz and i regretted that i didnt do well in both.
oh well, L1R4 - 7 L1R5 - 11
hope that i can get this kind of grades during O level. :D
buck up buck up !!
yay good friday ! can sleep for the whole DAY ! whhoooo
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
if you see him,immelly call police.. hahahaha
if i see Jolin walking her dog, whoohoo, on the road, i will scream and yell ! and slap myself hard to see whether im dreaming. whoohoo is the cutest dog in the world and he's always laughing ! cute cute !
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
i think the new design for the imeem player is really ugly.. don't u guys think so too?
i want to donate blood in the future ! looks very fun :D imagine having ur blood running in someone's body.. yay..
i received an email from someone from a bank. he told me that i am the beneficiary heir from his clients funds. LAUGH OUT LOUD !
i was on the bus today, sitting down.. then 1 couple stood on my side. 1 plump guy was wearing 1 simpsons tshirt. its kinda disfigured because of his..erm belly? and his girlfriend was like keep hugging his waist which i found that it looks like a koala bear hugging a tree trunk..
okay okay.. i know i am being mean.. ooops :D
okay.. will be getting our report slips next week ! whoots.. hope that got improve alot alot !!
Sunday, March 09, 2008
i swear that i will not go to Cheers and buy anything again and i seriously hate RUDE people. i shan't elaborate about it.
i saw a dead rat on my way home. it has got white powder on the whole of it's mouth.. like someone fed it with the powder which kills rats. and i saw another one yesterday. it was decomposed at had flies feeding on it. yucks. rats are smelly..
the tests are finally over.. was like sleeping for 4 hours every day. simply cant take it. and we will be getting our report books after holidays.. yay yay
well,today's LS's birthday. 16 years old already ! weeeeee
tmr's sports day sat got AFA and KOTO. sun tuition. mon-wed camp and remedials and bio SPA
sian sian have to go for bio practical even during holidays. somemore its on camp day. wahwah.. Cupid's Chokehold by Gym Class Heroes Feat. Patrick Stump
Monday, March 03, 2008
UH..i think i already did that.. SO.... ME SHALL NOT BLOG FOR ANOTHER WEEK ! :D
Koh Swee Gee
Born in 11 August 1992
A proud Leo
Currently taking Accountancy&Finance in NYP
Idolizes Jolin and sodagreen.
Hobbies photography and baking. AWESOME! <3
Love reading books while listening to music.
Ok, want to know more about me just follow my twitter