Sunday, January 13, 2008
totally regretted saying that biology lessons are fun.
we, 410 students spent half of our bio lesson doing our worksheets outside the class on friday.
its like she didn't say when is the deadline for the homework !
and i think most of us do the homework which we must hand in first right?
and most of us actually don't know how to the that piece of homework.
how contradicting.
and isn't that what primary school students do when they did not finish their homework?
wow missed half of the lesson..
i'm not saying that this type of teaching method is wrong, i just feel that that's not what a sec4 class should be doing already.
ohwell, just have to bear her for a year.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
totally regretted saying that biology lessons are fun.
we, 410 students spent half of our bio lesson doing our worksheets outside the class on friday.
its like she didn't say when is the deadline for the homework !
and i think most of us do the homework which we must hand in first right?
and most of us actually don't know how to the that piece of homework.
how contradicting.
and isn't that what primary school students do when they did not finish their homework?
wow missed half of the lesson..
i'm not saying that this type of teaching method is wrong, i just feel that that's not what a sec4 class should be doing already.
ohwell, just have to bear her for a year.
Here it is,
I'm just a typical little girl
Koh Swee Gee
Born in 11 August 1992
A proud Leo
Currently taking Accountancy&Finance in NYP
Idolizes Jolin and sodagreen.
Hobbies photography and baking. AWESOME! <3
Love reading books while listening to music.
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