Thursday, January 31, 2008
trip to anderson junior college
went to anderson junior college yesterday for science outreach.
was split into groups of 3 and so i was grouped with chan hong and yehan.TT
but during the chemistry part, i did the experiment with dorothy.
its something to do with clove oil.
then after that doro and i played with the gloves..put water inside the gloves...hahaha
then after that had a break and then went off the bio lab..
pounded the fruits and vegetables to check for DNA.
its quite fun..
so as i'm in different groups with liew, car and doro, i waited for them at the school gate to go home together..
i saw a anderson sec school girl who was in the same group as me.
i started a conversation with her cos i'm bored..
but she kinda ignore me..
so RUDE !
what's there to be proud about? GRR
anyway, i watched fear factor yesterday night..
there was the fear factor home invasion.
imagine they chose my house and i have to eat those maggots and beetles in 1 minute !
eeee yuck..
its all alive and u have to bite it to death..
well, today is elearning and so is tomorrow.
cant seem to access to the physics thing.
i wanna watch chingay 2008 !!!
reply to tagssimply unique` : jia you for o level! i need to get a 13!
me: jia you to u too !! u can do it !
Gordon : oh much u got for o lvls huh?
me : i havent take o
`zj : eh? u O lvls le meh? i tot u this yr sec 4 o.o || gt laa, that tym at jianle's frenster u saw...
me : saw ur picture? yea im still sec4..
Gordon : o.O u tis year den sec 4 huh..btw ZIJIE IS A NERD !! F3
me : haha..yea sec4..haha
yanhua : you want to go in to the veterinary technology? 10 point???!!!! that crazy. whats that about?
me : ya lor..crazy leh..hmm learn how to take care of pets and cure their diseases i think..haha
`zj : thats abt taking care of animals de lo -.- loll. ERM. YES IM NERD-LOOKING TT. but im not nerd xD
me : yep..yes u are not a nerd..okay..
Sunday, January 27, 2008
the cut off point for Veterinary Technology is 10 !!
which means that i have to get all As for my O level..!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
i'm sick
Sunday, January 20, 2008
i really think that people who abuse animals should be put behind bars.
animals have feelings just like us humans.
why vent your anger on them when you're angry?
and please don't eat sharks fins anymore.
those tasteless stuffs don't have any nutrients and it will make sharks extinct.
anyway, i passed my amaths qualifying test !!
53/80 ! and half of my class failed, so i'm considered lucky.
and bio test is quite easy !
Ms N said if we scored well, she will not teach us bio anyway.
but if we scored well, it will mean that she teachs well and she will continue teaching what right?
reply to tags.Gordon :mei..come sp, den u can meet zijie
LOL..when is SP open house?
ah gong... :tat notebks...really good
yea and quite exp also
`zj :waa -.- ur new year seems to be bad =/ nid help wif blogskin making =)?
yea and quite happening..hmm maybe need haha
ah gong... :During Chem...i oso gt punished doin hmwk outside...n u hate my tagboard or my colours?
ah gong... :aiyo...i know he is a dog..i mean dun need le..i read I is Jolin de..-.-lll
u got buy I weekly every week? me to !! i also got buy U 1 zhou..
Renzokuzen :im always busy if you do not know...
okay =D
Thursday, January 17, 2008

went to ngee ann polytechnic today.
its so freaking BIG !
i can spend 1 hr + in one of the schools and there are like 5 or 6 schools there !
biomedical and biotechnical look funnnn
my mood is kida out of control today..
suddenly felt so high and jump around then suddenly tired till lazy to talk..
i felt so typical singaporean today..
normally i wouldn't like so kiasu, faster run to catch the mrt
BUT today, i got so many brochures and free gifts !
weee donuts !
ok wish me luck for tmr's bio test..
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
had a "debate" session with Ms N..
when can she like teach us proper bio facts?
such a waste of time listening to her talking for the whole period.LOL
and friday got bio excretion test !!
Mrs R gave us the scream city notebooks as journal for free !
she's so good..
i chose orange !!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
i totally regretted saying that biology lessons are fun.
we, 410 students spent half of our bio lesson doing our worksheets outside the class on friday.
its like she didn't say when is the deadline for the homework !
and i think most of us do the homework which we must hand in first right?
and most of us actually don't know how to the that piece of homework.
how contradicting.
and isn't that what primary school students do when they did not finish their homework?
wow missed half of the lesson..
i'm not saying that this type of teaching method is wrong, i just feel that that's not what a sec4 class should be doing already.
ohwell, just have to bear her for a year.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
im already anticipating chinese new year.
all the food and stuffs...
and can have few days off from school !
and of course, i gamble :D
bio lessons are fun.
Ms Ng is teaching us about kidneys and stuffs.
and she's always telling us that her teaching style is different from Mrs Gan
i'm trying to make my own blogskin but it doesnt seem to get anywhere..
& happy belated birthday to woohoo !

Friday, January 04, 2008
this world is SO small !
nattanich's ( from ncoc ) classmate is april ( my pri sch fren )
and denise ( my classmate ) is her pri sch fren !
such a coincidence !!
so that means we got the same frens..
oh wow
anyway, i already flooded with homework.
its only the third day of school reopen !
ok tmr is cca orientation.
gotta go now..
im now craving to make my own blogskin..
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

S.H.E + 飞轮海 新窝MV
S.H.E + 飞轮海 新窝MV